We provide fixed income investments that pay a return on a fixed schedule.
In our fixed income portfolio fund, we bundle different fixed income securities that are sold to the investors. These include:
Bond funds
Certificates of Deposits
Treasury bills
Money market funds
Currency-related instruments
Derivatives fixed income instruments
Our mandate is to meet clients’ current income and investment growth needs.
Whatever the market conditions, at Purpose Vunani Asset Management, we seek to:
Provide superior and consistent investment performance
Develop a wide range of products to meet the diverse needs of our customers
Provide the highest quality customer service
Ensure regulatory compliance
The treasury team manages the placing of fixed-term deposits on behalf of clients.
We carry out extensive market research on all banks that we invest with, together with background checks on senior personnel. We only deal with selected banks who meet our criteria.
Our treasury team reviews all maturing deposits and obtains indicative interest rates from a number of selected banks before recommending the renewal of a maturity.
The pooling effect and dealing directly with the banks’ treasury departments enables Purpose Vunani to pass on competitive money market pricing, whilst obtaining appropriate security as cover for the deposits from each bank, which means every deposit is secured appropriately.
Counter-party credit risk is continuously monitored, and cash portfolio reports are produced on a regular basis.